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Create a Page

A. The wordpress dashboard.

Before you start: Log in to your dashboard.

Typically this will be found on the following address format: https://<your-domain> for example

Create a new page

  1. Go to Pages
  2. click on Add New Page

Navigating to new page from Dashboard

The Block Editor

Editing posts or pages with the block editor


  1. Add Title to your page. This will be the basis of your slug (i.e. title A dog named Desire will most likely get the slug /a-dog-named-desire, this can be manually changed)
  2. Add new Blocks
  3. Add a splash to your page. This may affect SEO and will be the top image on Default Template
  4. Customize the featured posts. This will override the Latest News block which exists on most templates.
  5. Meta Settings. You can read more about it here.
  6. Advanced SEO. Read more