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How to Color Text and Buttons

A. Changing color of heading

Select the heading

  1. Select the heading
  2. Open the settings on top right corner
  3. Pick Block underneath
  4. Under color, change the Text (Background currently not supported for text)

Changing settings for heading

Changing settings for heading

B. Changing color of a paragraph

Select the paragraph

  1. Select the paragraph
  2. Repeat step 2 and 3 from the guide A. Changing color of heading above
  3. Under color, change the Text (Background currently not supported for text)

Changing settings for heading

C. Changing color of Buttons

Setting colors of filled out buttons

  1. Select the button
  2. Repeat step 2 and 3 from the guide A. Changing color of heading above
  3. Pick Fill
  4. Under color, change the Text and Background according to your desire

Changing settings for heading

Setting colors of outlined buttons

  1. Select the button
  2. Repeat step 2 and 3 from the guide A. Changing color of heading above
  3. Pick Outline
  4. Under color, change the Text and Background according to your desire (the outlined color will be identical to the text color)

Changing settings for heading

E. Setting Custom Colors

All of the scenarios above showcase how to chose between the preset colors. You can also select a custom color by simply clicking on the color window, see image below

Changing settings for heading

A note on Gradients

Currently, we do not support gradients, please do NOT use this options

The Result

Changing settings for heading